Saturday, February 5, 2011

Number the Stars

By: Lois Lowry

Historical Fiction
(Chapter Book)

This story is set in Denmark during the Nazi occupation.  Annemarie Johansen is a ten year old girl who is friends with a Jewish girl named Ellen Rosen.  Since the Rosen's are Jewish they are in great danger of being captured and taken to a concentration camp.  Because the Rosen's are in such great danger, the  Johansen's take in Ellen in hopes that she can pass as their daughter until the Rosen's can safely leave Denmark and go to Sweden.  However, this is going to be hard since Ellen has dark hair instead of blond like Annmarie.  Read this novel to find out the great lengths one family will go to in order to help another get to safety. 

I would have my students read this novel individually inside and outside of the classroom.  After the students read the book I would have them do some research on the path that was taken to get the Jews from Denmark to Sweden, and then we would get out a map and try to trace their path.

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