Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Battle of Antietam
"The Bloodiest Day of Battle"

By: Larry Hama

(Graphic Novel)

The battle of Antietam is the bloodiest day in American History.  By September 1862 the Civil War was in its seventeenth month, and any hopes of this war being short were gone.  By this time President Abraham Lincoln desperately needed a significant Union victory to show Europe that the issue of slavery was at the heart of the War Between the States.  As Union and Confederate armies met, ordinary men and women showed extraordinary courage as they fought to decide the future of their county.  The brutal battle at Antietam Creek gave Lincoln what he needed, and days after its conclusion he issued his Emancipation Proclamation.  Read this graphic novel to find out more details of this war and how it changed our history.

I would read this graphic novel out loud to my class, and then I would split my class up into small groups to work on a group project.  For this project I would assign the groups either the Union Army or the Confederate Army, and I would have them create a PowerPoint.  In this PowerPoint I would want the students to provide as much detail as they could find on their Army.  Not only will this assignment let students work with technology while creating their PowerPoint, but it will also help them learn to work together in groups.

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