Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pink and Say

By: Patricia Polacco

Historical Fiction

Sheldon Curtis ("Say") is a Union soldier and has been shot in the leg, and left for dead in a pasture.  A colored Union soldier, Pinkus ("Pink"), comes along and carries him to safety.  Pink carries Say to his home where his mother takes care of Say.  Pink's Mother, Moe Moe Bay, takes good care of both boys but warns them that if they hear marauders they must hide in the cellar.  The day has come when the boys are getting ready to leave Moe Moe Bay and go back and fight, as they are getting ready to walk out the door they hear marauders and run for the cellar.  Moe Moe Bay tries to get rid of the marauders, but she is shot.  The boys leave and head back to the front line and are captured by confederates and taken to Andersonville prison.  Pink is hung at the prison, and Say was released some months later.

After reading this book aloud to my students I would discuss themes with them.  Then as a class we would talk about the themes that we read in Pink and Say; such as hope, friendship and war.  Then we would make a class list of events from the book that support the themes the students came up with.

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