Saturday, January 29, 2011

Princess Pigtoria and the Pea

By: Pamela Duncan Edwards

Fairy Tale
(Traditional or Folk Literature)

Pigtoria is bummed out because her palace is looking a bit dingy and she’s got no cash.  She reads a personal ad in the paper "Wanted: A Proper Princess..." and heads off to find her prince.  However, while Pigtoria is at the castle she discovers that the prince is arrogant.  Not willing to settle for any old pig, she tells the prince that she prefers Percy-the-Pizza-Pig after she finds out that the prince put a pea under her pillows. Pigtoria's decision to marry the pizza pig turns out to be the best decision for everybody.

This story is a version of the original fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea.  After reading Princess Pigtoria and the Pea to my students I would have them come up with and write their own version of this fairy tale.  This assignment will help meet the fourth grade standard 4.07 in English Language Arts: compose fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama using self-selected and assigned topics and forms.

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